
Posts Tagged ‘sadness’

ahoy there

lots of stuff is going on right now

not sure how to put it all in words. not sure if i should at all bother…

well lets start and then see how it goes

the war, people. the war is real.  the air raid sirens are real. the mortar rockets are real.

my ever strengthening faith is real too. the faith in evil.

the ninth month of my pregnancy is real.  the kicks and pushes to my insides are real.

isn’t that weird…


part of my man’s colleagues are recruited so he works double shifts now.  which is hard.

even though, we slowly prep and organise our flat, and do a ton of crafting, fixing, organising progects. which is awesome.

as for the couple-quality-time – it’s long gone.  that’s why i so smartly use the air-raid-sirens-hiding-in-the-bathroom-time as an extra hugging-time.

(officially we should be going to the staircase or a basement every time but we don’t)


other things i’m up to:

cooking efforts still going strong. kinda.

redoing and upcycling some of our furniture, all found on the streets or been given by friends and coworkers still going strong.

drawing…. going pretty weak…   🙂

here’s another sketch for my dad’s poem about an old sailor, where he tells picturesque stories about his adventures to kids


imgo (6)




p.s.   people had been really amasing and just won’t stop giving me all sorts of baby stuff. loads of it. i love it.  i love that it’s all second hand. love that it’s eco-friendly cause i don’t buy anything. love that it’s free. love that people i barely know care enough to do that. and i have so much of everything now i might start regretting i don’t have twins or something.  i was thinking when the time comes and i don’t need these things anymore i’d pass it to new emigrant single mothers or something.  russians are always so confused and smitten when someone is nice to them just because.  sad really.

p.p.s. latest film recommendation – ‘boyhood’.  haven’t seen it myself yet but looks like something extraordinary!


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"the possibility"

“the possibility”

here’s a new sketch…

… and here’s a final drawing:

"the possibility"

“the possibility”


and here’s a young lady spending some time by the window so as not to miss her daddy coming home from work:

"is it him?! is it him?!"

“is it him?! is it him?!”


until next time

and take care



p.s. i thought i’d add something about the drawing.

i have like half a dozen dream scenarios i keep dreaming from time to time most of my life. most of them nightmares (but not all). like the one where i go visit the town i grew up in and miss the flight back home.  this one is the worst…
the drawing above is a contemplation on one of those dreams. and although it might not seem like it, this dream is one of the good ones…

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i drew this the other day

it has no title

it has one working title but it’s in russian and i failed to translate it to hebrew or english.

what do people exclaim before starting a journey? not ‘go ahead’, not ‘forward!’, right? i delved a little in google translator and came up with nothing.

rather surprisingly the drawing seems to have stricken the fancy of my facebook-illustration-group pals (the group is not mine, there are couple of hundreds of other illustrators and wannabes there)

i’m curious what they see in it/how they interpret it.

this time i tried a different approach and new technique.
because my will power is rather absent and because i tend to act all perfectionist in the wrong places, i get cold legs and don’t finish stuff.
but i have to work with what i have right? so i thought about a theme and a mixed technique that would be quick undemanding yet suited to my artistic needs.
it’s an acrylic background with graphite pencil, color pencils and wax caran d’ache water-soluble pastels on top. all in all rather easy and unthreatening, so while working on it i didn’t loose the right mood and the motivation, which is nice.

p.s.  middle eastern wabi sabi….what day is it today? right, sunday:

p.p.s. i went out shopping the other day in downtown. i needed a few small things from different local shops. it was tough but i toughed it out.

i said: ‘no, i don’t need a plastic bag, thank you’ maybe 7 times ( and indeed i didn’t need one, i had my backpack with me) the most common reaction to this being the ‘i don’t get it’ look followed by a plastic bag being pushed into my hands.
we are falling a little behind in all this environmental awareness thing. or rather, way way way behind, on so many levels…

well…just a thought.

take care

(and don’t take a plastic bag if you don’t need one.

and you don’t)

UPDATE:   i’ve got the title, it’s  –    ‘off i go’

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tough, tolerance challenging times are coming in our part of the globe

so! winter is coming, as they say….

no drawings to show you yet, no exciting craft projects, just slowly working my way through a “mending” pile of second hand clothing i bought over the last year…all in desperate need of sizing down.

just couldn’t resist to tell you something amusing (questionably) that happened today. i went to a nurse to have my blood tested, and the blood-taking nurse was funny. or maybe not, maybe it’s just that she was an extreme extravert chatting away and waving her arms about and talking to her kids on the phone while working, whatever. one of the many things she said was how this justin bieber kid spat on people apparently or something. and that before that or after, or maybe on numerous occasions (she wasn’t sure and couldn’t care less about the details) he’d said that he hates jews.
-after i saw him spitting on people on the internet -she said- i told my daughters to through his posters away! it’s one thing hating jews i don’t care about that – everybody hates us. but spitting on people – unexceptable!

that’s it…

just a little something there to think about.

take care

and don’t spit on people

(unless they spat on you first)

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Paintings by Bridget Hobson

small still life & portrait paintings

Pechorin's Journal

A literary blog